Sunday, April 19, 2015

3d Printshow 2015 NYC

I attended this event on Saturday, April 18th with Matt Gorton of PrintedSolid .  It was a very relaxed event covering 4 floors of the venue.  Lots of good vendors of printers, filament, services, etc.  Another event was going on during the NYC 3d printing week at the Javits Center.  Those that had been in both venues said that event was slammed with people, but you could barely get to the booths...and the people walking the aisles were more curiosity seekers than active 3d printer people (that venue was probably also more focused on certain brands of 3d printers).

One point of buzzworthy news was the announcement that Makerbot was closing all its retail stores and laying off 100 employees...I think a vindication of the open source hardware market.

Ultimaker had an impressive booth, including a motorcycle 3d printed on an Ultimaker:

I was very impressed with Tinkerine (Canada), a very nice printer with nicely developed 8th grade to post HS curriculum:

 An example of their curriculum (hovercraft using recycled cans and 3d printed parts:

Bigrep, a $40k machine with an envelope that goes with that price tag (and a CE mark!):

 This Bigrep printed vase had an amazing texture, just like it was woven:
 Somehow I only got the current Dynamo3D (Spain) current model, they have a EVO version that is amazingly fast (Claiming 450 mm/sec!), Matt is currently testing this fast printer.  It needs more development and they appear committed to proprietary software and hardware from Denmark.  Which is probably justified to accomplish that type of acceleration and speed performance.  Print times will be amazingly faster on this machine!

Printrbot is not resting...they had the Metal Simple, a new Play version, and Metal Plus...the Play version is apparently brand new...not even on the website, so I may have the name incorrect on this one.  Brooke was talking to users of all ages, an example of the relaxed event dynamics.

 These guys have software eco system, seemed like a good solution for make717 when we have multiple printers, or a classroom with various printer models from different manufacturers:

This was in BE3D (German I think) booth, 3d printed, then coated in graphite then chrome plated:

One floor wall 3d printed art, I was hoping to win something from #52shapes, but didn't...I at least should have selfied with the make717 t-shirt :-(

This is a company from Portugal trying for the classroom model (Beeverycreative):

I met the US represtentative for 3d Hubs and she was excited to hear about make717, I hope we can get her to some events at make717.

Another great connection was with Sophia Georgiou of the "morphi" iPad app.  I am hoping to use it in upcoming summer camps with middle school girls.  They will be able to create their own 3d print models!

A related app is a mincraft style 3d model creation software called 3dSlash, you have to try it!