My mentions in no particular order:
Josh (I think) of MakeDesignTeach and #3dprintgumball Hall of Fame had this cool color process for 3d Printing:
This iTapArcade project was one of the coolest I have seen...would be a great bike build module:
This was a mosaic at the beginning of the day...hopefully I returned to get the end of day pic!
rubberbands and dowels...nice build system!
small dowels and color bands like kids make bracelets out of...really cool build system.
Nova Labs I believe:
A really cool thing that The Lancaster Science Factory should add:
more building inspiration:
Wylolum had some amazing and cool clocks, game systems, etc.
I did return to the mosaic done by visitors!
Great conversation with the Synthetos ( TinyG motion control board)...a force to be reckoned with, I want the Inventables CNC mill!
Wyolum again, these LED grids can be bought from SEEED studio.